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Public Hearing Notice

SEPA Rules – WAC 197-11-970

Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS)


Iglesia de Cristo Ministerios

Conversion of Lumber Yard and Warehouse into a Church

580 South Forks Avenue, Forks, WA 98331


Proponent:     Hugo Lucas on behalf of the Iglesia de Cristo
P.O. Box 2332
730 South Forks Avenue

Forks, WA 98331


of proposal:    Iglesia de Cristo Ministerios seeks to remodel a former lumber yard and warehouse with a compacted gravel area within an existing perimeter fence.  Iglesia indicated that approximately 80 parishioners would utilized the completed project, expected to be done in phases as funding arises.  Property is accessible off of South Forks Avenue/SR 101.  Property is serviced by City water and has access to the City’s wastewater/sewer system.  Existing access, and adequate parking for at least 20 vehicles as required by Code, exists within the fenced and graveled property.

Location of

Property:         730 South Forks Avenue (SR 101), Forks, WA 98331


Property:         Lots 4, 5 and 6, as well as Tax Identification Parcel Nos. 1084 and 1582 located in Block 8 of the Anderson Addition to Forks located in the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 9, T. 28 N. R. 13. W., W.M., Clallam County.

Tax Id. Nos. 132809601818; 132809600815; 132809600820; and, 132809601824.


Lead Agency  Rod Fleck, City Attorney/Planner

City of Forks

500 East Division

Forks, Washington 98331


Project:           Proponents seek to remodel an existing metal building into a church that could be utilized by its approximately 80 parishioners at various times of the week.  This would require a phased remodel of the existing structure pursuant to applicable building codes and permits.  Designated parking would be provided and due to the compacted gravel nature of the lot no impervious paving is expected.

Prior SEPA

Documents:   None associated with this proposal.

Mitigation required:

  1. Applicant will be required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit from the Forks Planning Commission which is scheduled to hear that request at a public meeting on 27 Feb 2019.
  2. Applicant will be required to obtain a building permit, which may be subject to plan review by a 3rd party reviewer, from the City of Forks Building Inspector prior to construction.
  3. Where applicable, remodel and parking must comply with existing legal requirements to address public access under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  4. All stormwater drainage must be constructed to ensure that:
    1. it is kept on site;
    2. if applicable, the drainage system’s dry wells or similar such devices are registered in accordance with the Department of Ecology’s injection well registration requirements; and,
    3. that the drainage system is reviewed by the Building Inspector prior to construction.
  5. Existing access may be utilized as the primary point of entry to the property.
  6. All utility connections must be done pursuant to the utility providers’ requirements in a manner that meets local, state and/or federal code requirements.
  7. Exterior lighting of the building will be installed in such a way to ensure that lighting is directed downward and remains primarily on-site.

The Lead Agency has determined that the above items do not have a probable significant adverse impact based upon the proposed mitigation required above.  An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2).  This decision was made after review of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency.  This information is available to the public on request.

This MDNS is issued under 197-11-340 (2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for a period of 14 days from the date of issuance to allow for agency review and comment, as well as comments from the general public.  Comments must be submitted to the City Planner at:

Rod Fleck, City Attorney/Planner

Forks City Hall

500 East Division

Forks, Washington 98331

Comments will be accepted up to 5 p.m., 25 Feb 2019.  The City will review said comments together to determine the impact upon the stated MDNS.    Submittal of comments is not the same as a written appeal of this determination, or asserting lead agency status.  The City may not issue any other determination if the review of the comments does not alter the stated MDNS.

You may appeal this determination no later than 5 p.m., 25 Feb 2019, by filing a written appeal with the City Clerk of Forks at 500 East Division, Forks, Washington 98331.  You should be prepared to make specific factual objections.  The appeal must be received prior to 5 P.M.  Contact Rod Fleck at 360/374-5412, ext. 245 to read or ask about the procedures for appeals.

_______________________________                           Date:   8 Feb 2019

William R. Fleck




Iglesia de Cristo Ministerios

Conversion of Warehouse into a Church

580 South Forks Avenue, Forks, WA 98331

Pursuant to the Forks Zoning Code, specifically FMC 17.85 and FMC 17.120, notice is hereby provided with regard to the fact that the City has received an application for a conditional use permit.  The application was submitted by the applicant on 1 Feb 2019.  Application included the necessary SEPA checklist.  The following information is provided regarding the application:

Applicant:       Hugo Lucas on behalf of the Iglesia de Cristo
P.O. Box 2332
730 South Forks Avenue

Forks, WA 98331

Location of

Property:         580 South Forks Avenue (SR 101), Forks, WA 98331 – previously used as the lumber warehouse and storage yard of Forks True Value.


Property:         Lots 4, 5 and 6, as well as Tax Identification Parcel Nos. 1084 and 1582 located in Block 8 of the Anderson Addition to Forks located in the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 9, T. 28 N. R. 13. W., W.M., Clallam County.

Tax Id. Nos. 132809601818; 132809600815; 132809600820; and, 132809601824.


Description:    Peninsula College will remodel the former Bank of America Building into a higher education facility to serve Western Clallam and Jefferson Counties.  The College will relocate its existing Forks Satellite Site, currently located at 71 S. Forks Avenue, to this renovated space.  Once renovated, the 12,452 square foot facility will include five (5) classrooms, a learning center, a large multi-purpose space, student gathering areas, and administrative and faculty offices.  The interior of the building will be remodeled and updated, to include additional restrooms, a new HVAC system, upgraded data infrastructure, and classroom/meeting spaces compatible with a quality teaching and learning environment.

Hearing Required and Public Comment:        

The Forks Zoning Code requires that a hearing on a conditional use permit be held after sufficient notice has been given to the public.  Written comments may be filed up to and through out the actual hearing.  Such comments should be sent to Mr. Fleck at the address noted below.  Notice of public hearing is being disseminated along with this notice.  The public hearing on this matter is scheduled for 27 Feb 2019 at 5:15 P.M. in the City Council Chambers at Forks City Hall.  The purpose of the hearing is to obtain information from nearby landowners regarding impacts or concerns they may have with this proposal.

Approval And Appeal Process:          


Within 21 days of the public hearing, the Forks Planning Commission may authorize the conditional use permit.

In reviewing a conditional use permit, the Forks Planning Commission may attach thereto such conditions regarding the location, character, and/or other features of the proposed use as the commission deems necessary in the public interest, in the interest of furthering the purpose of the Forks Zoning Code, and for the purpose of fulfilling the Forks Comprehensive Plan.  These conditions must be stated in writing as part of the permit and must state the connection between the use, condition and public interest being invoked.

      Appeal Process

The Forks Planning Commission shall report to the City Council its findings regarding an application for a conditional use permit within fifteen (15) days of its decision.  Any affected party, including a member of the City Council may appeal the decision to the City Council within fifteen (15) days of the date the report of the Forks Planning Commission is issued to the City Council.  Additional information on the appeal process can be found at FMC Chapter 17.135.

The purpose of the public hearing regarding the Conditional Use Permit is to determine whether the Forks Planning Commission should approve or deny the permit application of Inglesia de Cristo.  In addition, the Planning Commission may attach requirements to the development as part of any approval.  Such conditions could involve the location, character, and/or other features of the proposed use as the commission deems necessary in the public interest, in the interest of furthering the purpose of the Forks Zoning Code, and/or for the purpose of fulfilling the Forks Comprehensive Plan.  These conditions would be stated in writing as part of the permit and would state the connection between the use, condition and public interest being preserved or protected.

Individuals needing a copy of the application materials, or requiring additional information regarding this notice should contact Rod Fleck.

WRITTEN COMMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE FORKS PLANNING DIRECTOR UP TO AND TO THE CLOSE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING ON 27 Feb 2019.  Address all such comments to Rod Fleck, City Attorney/Planner, 500 East Division, Forks, WA 98331.  Comments may be delivered to City Hall at 500 East Division during the course of regular business hours.  All written comments must be received by the City Planner prior to the close of the public hearing on 27 Feb 2019.

Individuals requiring special accommodations to participate in this hearing should contact Mr. Fleck at 360/374-5412, ext. 245 so that such accommodations can be arranged prior to the hearing.  Individuals with questions regarding this notice, and its attachment, should contact Mr. Fleck at the number above.



Forks Planning Commission

27 Feb 2019

5:15 p.m.

City Council Chambers – Forks City Hall

500 East Division

Iglesia de Cristo Ministerios

Conversion of Lumber Yard and Warehouse into a Church

580 South Forks Avenue, Forks, WA 98331

Notice is hereby provided that the Forks Planning Commission will hold a public hearing as part of its regular meeting to consider the Conditional Use Permit applications of Iglesia de Cristo Ministerios (Iglesia) associated with the conversion of a former True Value lumber warehouse and storage yard into a church.  The applicants seek to remodel the existing building at 730 South Forks Avenue/SR 101.  The existing warehouse facility is approximately 25 x 60 and would be converted into a church, sanctuary, and associated facilities.  Currently, the property is fenced and graveled.  It is expected that up to 80 parishioners would be in attendance and parking would occur within the fenced perimeter of the property acquired by Iglesia.  Property is accessible from Forks Avenue/SR 101 and is located across the street from the Forks Transit Center.  Notice of the application for the Conditional Use Permit is attached.

The meeting shall be held on 27 Feb 2019 at 5:15 p.m. in the City Council Chambers within City Hall.  The agenda for the meeting shall be:

  1. Call meeting to order and approval of agenda
  2. Conditional Use Application of the Iglesia to relocate and remodel the former True Value lumber yard and warehouse into a church.
  3. Public Hearing
  4. Staff report regarding procedure, SEPA, and City staff concerns (if any)
  5. Presentation by the Applicant or its designated representative
  6. Reading into the record of written comments submitted to the Planning Commission
  7. Public comments from those in attendance
  8. Questions and answers from the Commission
  9. Deliberations and decision of the Commission (if any)
  • Other business of the Commission

The purpose of the public hearings regarding the Conditional Use Permits is to determine whether the Forks Planning Commission may need to attach any conditions to the permits noted above.  Such conditions could involve the location, character, and/or other features of the proposed use as the commission deems necessary in the public interest, in the interest of furthering the purpose of the Forks Zoning Code, and/or for the purpose of fulfilling the Forks Comprehensive Plan.  These conditions would be stated in writing as part of the permit and would state the connection between the use, condition and public interest being preserved or protected.

WRITTEN COMMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE FORKS PLANNING DIRECTOR UP TO AND TO THE CLOSE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING ON 27 Feb 2013.  Address all such comments to Rod Fleck, City Attorney/Planner, 500 East Division, Forks, WA 98331.  Comments may be delivered to City Hall at 500 East Division during the course of regular business hours.  All written comments must be received by the City Planner prior to the close of the public hearing on 27 Feb 2019.  Copies of the Application or SEPA Checklist can be obtained from Mr. Fleck.

Individuals requiring special accommodations to participate in this hearing should contact Mr. Fleck at 360/374-5412, ext. 245 so that such accommodations can be arranged prior to the hearing.  Individuals with questions regarding this notice, and its attachment, should contact Mr. Fleck at the number above.


Notice of Forks City Hall Holiday Hours

Notice of Holiday Hours

Pursuant to Forks Municipal Code 2.10.030, the City is providing local media with notice of holiday office hours and closures.

Forks City Hall will close at noon on Monday, December 24, 2018 and be closed all day on Tuesday, December 25, 2018 and Tuesday, January 1, 2019.

Notice of Public Hearing- Adoption of County-wide Growth Management Act Planning Policies

Forks City Council

Notice of Public Hearing
Adoption of County-wide Growth Management Act Planning Policies

10 Dec 2018
7:30 p.m.,
Forks City Council Chambers
500 East Division Street

Notice is hereby given that the City of Forks will hold a public hearing on its intent to adopt the Clallam County-wide Growth Management Act (GMA) Planning Polices recently adopted by Clallam County.  The hearing will take place at 7:30 p.m., 10 Dec 2018, during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Forks City Council to be held at 500 East Division Street in Forks.  Public comment will be taken during the meeting for those having an interest in the matter.   The City Council may adopt the policies by resolution following the meeting.

Individuals requiring special assistance in order to participate in the hearing should contact Mr. Fleck prior to the meeting.   Please call at 360/374-5412, ext. 245.

Materials can be viewed at:

As part of the Growth Management Act, and the County and City comprehensive plan updating processes, the County is required to review and update as needed the planning policies that would be applicable to all jurisdictions within Clallam County.  Clallam County’s Board of Commissioners adopted the recommended changes that were forwarded to them from the committee of city, tribal, and county officials.  Within 90 days of adoption by the County, the City is required to do the same.

Notice of Budget Hearings and Meetings


The preliminary budget for the City of Forks for the year 2019 has been filed with the City Clerk and a copy thereof will be furnished to any person who calls at the Clerk’s Office and requests same on or after November 13, 2018.

The following are the anticipated revenues and expenditures for 2019.

Fund                                                      Revenue          Expense

Current Expense                                             $1,788,000      $1,778,000

Street                                                                    242,000           242,000

Street Projects                                                      130,000           130,000

Water                                                                1,010,000        1,010,000

Sewer                                                                   360,000           360,000

Lodging Tax                                                         225,000           225,000

Airport/Industrial Park                                         285,000           285,000

Quillayute Airport                                               664,350           664,350

Transit Center                                                        26,000             26,000

Capital                                                                  160,000           160,000

Industrial Park Development                                   4,000               4,000

Search & Rescue                                                      3,000               3,000

Seized Property                                                        5,000               5,000

Donation Program                                                  20,000             20,000

Community Action Housing                                  40,000             40,000

Grant/Construction                                              100,000           100,000

Infrastructure Capital Projects                          2,000,000        2,000,000

Inmate Trust Fund                                                 45,000             45,000

Total Revenue and Expense All Funds        $7,107,350      $7,107,350

The Forks City Council has called for budget hearings to be held at 7:30 p.m. on November 13 and 26, 2018 at the Forks City Hall.  The City Council meeting that would normally be held on November 12, 2018 will be held on November 13, 2018 due to the 12th being a state holiday recognizing Veterans Day.  The Forks City Council has also called for special meetings to be held at 5:30 p.m. on November 13 and 26, 2018 at the Forks City Hall.  The purpose of the special meetings will be to hold budget workshops.

The Forks City Council has also called for a public hearing on revenue sources for the 2019 budget, including consideration of possible increases in property tax revenues, to be held at 7:30 p.m. on November 13, 2018 at the Forks City Hall.

The Forks City Council will meet December 3, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers in the City Hall for the purpose of fixing the final budget and any citizen of the City of Forks may present oral or written comments for or against any part of the budget.

Audrey Grafstrom, Clerk/Treasurer

City of Forks

Published Forks Forum, Forks, Washington, Thursday, November 8 and November 15, 2018.

City Council Special Meeting Notice

Public Notice

Special Forks City Council Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Forks City Council will hold a special meeting with the Clallam County Board of Commissioners on Monday, September 17, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. at the Forks City Hall Council Chambers, 500 E Division Street.  The purpose of this joint meeting will be to discuss timber advocacy efforts, high-speed internet, economic development, District Court, and County Animal Control.


Notice of Conditional Use Permit- RV Park


Shivaadya, Inc.

Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park
Forks, Washington

Pursuant to the Forks Zoning Code, specifically FMC 17.85 and FMC 17.120, notice is hereby provided with regard to the fact that the City has received an application for a conditional use permit.  The application was submitted by the applicant on 10 Aug 2018.  Application included the necessary SEPA checklist.  The following information is provided regarding the application:

Applicant:        Vilkesh Patel & Bipinbhai Patel

On behalf of Shivaadya, Inc.

1080 South Forks Avenue

Forks, WA 98331

Location of

Property:         251 North Forks Avenue (SR 101), Forks, Washington



Property:         Lot 11 and the eastern half of Lot 12, Block 1, Howard’s First Addition, located within the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of the N ¼  of Sec. 9, T 28 N, R 13 W, W.M., Clallam County.  Tax Id. Parcel 132809510163.


Description:     Shivaadya, Inc. are seeking to develop an 18 lot recreational vehicle (RV) park with a grassy recreation area that would have bbq pits; and, a building housing utilities and amenities available to visitors to include: coin laundry facility, toilets, and paid showers.  Each lot would be approximately 50’ x 21’ and accessed off a pervious driveway into the park with a commercial approach from North Forks Avenue/SR 101.  Each improved RV lot would have water, sewer and electrical connections for use by visitors.  Additional improvements for each lot includes a flowerbed, gravel and concrete block pervious paving.  Park would be secured with a gate system and surveillance security cameras.  Users would have access to a common office shared with the Far West Motel.  There would be a maximum stay of 30 days at one time and no-long term parking would be available.

Property has city water, city sewer, and electrical provided by the PUD.  Further, a commercial approach was developed for this lot in the past and is proposed to be used by the proponents in the development of the property.



and Public

Comment:        The Forks Zoning Code requires that a hearing on a conditional use permit be held after sufficient notice has been given to the public.  Written comments may be filed up to and through out the actual hearing.  Such comments should be sent to Mr. Fleck at the address noted below.  Notice of public hearing is being disseminated along with this notice.  The public hearing on this matter is scheduled for Wednesday, 19 Sep 2018 at 5:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers at Forks City Hall.  The purpose of the hearing is to obtain information from nearby landowners regarding impacts or concerns they may have with this proposal.




Process:           Within 21 days of the public hearing, the Forks Planning Commission may authorize the conditional use permit.

In reviewing a conditional use permit, the Forks Planning Commission may attach thereto such conditions regarding the location, character, and/or other features of the proposed use as the commission deems necessary in the public interest, in the interest of furthering the purpose of the Forks Zoning Code, and for the purpose of fulfilling the Forks Comprehensive Plan.  These conditions must be stated in writing as part of the permit and must state the connection between the use, condition and public interest being invoked.

Appeal Process

The Forks Planning Commission shall report to the City Council its findings regarding an application for a conditional use permit within fifteen (15) days of its decision.  Any affected party, including a member of the City Council may appeal the decision to the City Council within fifteen (15) days of the date of the decision of the Forks Planning Commission is issued.

The appeal shall be filed in writing with the city clerk on forms established for this purpose.  Once a hearing time is established proper notification shall be given concerning time, place and purpose of such a hearing and shall be in conformance with FMC 17.135, et al.  Upon receipt of the appeal the city clerk shall publicize and schedule a public hearing by the council.

The City Council within twenty-one (21) days of the close of the hearing shall affirm, reverse, remand, or modify (including attaching additional conditions) the decision of the Forks Planning Commission.

Individuals needing a copy of the application materials, or requiring additional information regarding this notice should contact Rod Fleck, City Attorney/Planner at 360/374-5412, ext. 245 or at 500 East Division, Forks, WA 98331.

The purpose of the public hearing regarding the Conditional Use Permit is to determine whether the Forks Planning Commission should approve or deny the permit application of Shivaadya, Inc.  In addition, the Planning Commission may attach requirements to the development as part of any approval of the Shivaadya, Inc.’s application.  Such conditions could involve the location, character, and/or other features of the proposed use as the commission deems necessary in the public interest, in the interest of furthering the purpose of the Forks Zoning Code, and/or for the purpose of fulfilling the Forks Comprehensive Plan.  These conditions would be stated in writing as part of the permit and would state the connection between the use, condition and public interest being preserved or protected.

WRITTEN COMMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE FORKS PLANNING DIRECTOR UP TO AND TO THE CLOSE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING ON 19 Sep 2018.  Address all such comments to Rod Fleck, City Attorney/Planner, 500 East Division, Forks, WA 98331.  Comments may be delivered to City Hall at 500 East Division during the course of regular business hours.  All written comments must be received by the City Planner prior to the close of the public hearing on 19 Sep 2018.  Copies of the Application or SEPA Checklist can be obtained from Mr. Fleck.

Individuals requiring special accommodations to participate in this hearing should contact Mr. Fleck at 360/374-5412, ext. 245 so that such accommodations can be arranged prior to the hearing.  Individuals with questions regarding this notice, and its attachment, should contact Mr. Fleck at the number above.



Forks Planning Commission

19 Sep 2018

5:30 P.M.

City Council Chambers

Forks City Hall

500 East Division

Conditional Use Permit

RV Park – Shivaadya, Inc.

Notice is hereby provided that the Forks Planning Commission will hold a public hearing as part of its regular meeting to consider the Conditional Use Permit application of Vilkesh Patel and Bipinbhai Patel doing business as Shivaadya, Inc., to create an 18 stall RV park at 251 North Forks Avenue (adjacent to the Far West Motel).  The proposed RV Park will include a grassy recreation area with BBQ pits and a utility room with laundry, showers, and restrooms.  Security will be provided via gated access, security cameras, and oversight from the adjacent Far West Motel.  Notice of the application for the Conditional Use Permit is attached.  The meeting shall be held on 19 Sep 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers within City Hall.  The agenda for the meeting shall be:

  1. Call meeting to order and approval of agenda
  2. Conditional Use Application of Vilkesh Patel and Bipinbhai Patel doing business as Shivaadya, Inc. to create an 18 space RV park at 251 North Forks Avenue.
  3. Public Hearing
  4. Staff report regarding procedure, SEPA, and City staff concerns (if any)
  5. Presentation by the Applicant or its designated representative
  6. Reading into the record of written comments submitted to the Planning Commission
  7. Public comments from those in attendance
  8. Questions and answers from the Commission
  9. Deliberations and decision of the Commission (if any)
  10. Other business of the Commission.

The purpose of the public hearings regarding the Conditional Use Permit is to determine whether the Forks Planning Commission may need to attach any conditions to the permit noted above.  Such conditions could involve the location, character, and/or other features of the proposed use as the commission deems necessary in the public interest, in the interest of furthering the purpose of the Forks Zoning Code, and/or for the purpose of fulfilling the Forks Comprehensive Plan.  These conditions would be stated in writing as part of the permit and would state the connection between the use, condition and public interest being preserved or protected.

WRITTEN COMMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE FORKS PLANNING DIRECTOR UP TO AND TO THE CLOSE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING ON 19 SEP 2018  Address all such comments to Rod Fleck, City Attorney/Planner, 500 East Division, Forks, WA 98331.  Comments may be delivered to City Hall at 500 East Division during the course of regular business hours.  All written comments must be received by the City Planner prior to the close of the public hearing on 19 Sep 2018.  Copies of the Application or SEPA Checklist can be obtained from Mr. Fleck.

Individuals requiring special accommodations to participate in this hearing should contact Mr. Fleck at 360/374-5412, ext. 245 so that such accommodations can be arranged prior to the hearing.  Individuals with questions regarding this notice, and its attachment, should contact Mr. Fleck at the number above.