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Effective immediately, the City of Forks Water Superintendent has determined that there is no longer a need to maintain the emergency water use restrictions put in place in September 2015.  Community members may undertake the following activities that were previously restricted or limited:

  • Commercial and residential lawn watering;
  • Commercial and residential vehicle washing, with the exception of the following:
  • Filling of swimming pools and hot tubs; nor,
  • Washing by pressure washer or hose the exterior of structures or pavement.

The City is grateful for the conservation efforts undertaken by the citizens of Forks during these past two and a half months.

Paul Hampton
Public Works Director

Ivan Cowles
Water Superintendent


Order Declaring Unusual Fire Danger and Imposing Burn Ban in the City of Forks

Pursuant to Forks Municipal Code Chapter 2.35, as the City’s Fire Inspector, and in order to avoid any uncertainty, I hereby declare that there is an unusual fire danger in the City of Forks.  Further, pursuant to the authority within that Chapter, I hereby absolutely prohibit the use of fire within the City of Forks to include such things as recreational outdoor fires regardless of their location or manner of containment.  I also hereby prohibit the use of the things as “Japanese Lanterns” (floating lanterns), open fire pits, and the use of fire torches for treatment of yards, driveways, etc.  This ban on the use of fire shall remain in effect until such time as the Clallam County Fire Marshall Annette Wood, or her designee, removes the concurrent Clallam County Fire Ban.

Signed this 25th of June 2015

Bill Paul
Fire Chief
Clallam County Fire District No. 1
(including the City of Forks)


The City Council is giving notice that it will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, 26 May 2015 at 7:30pm (date changed due to Memorial Day). The purpose of the hearing is to obtain public comment on the creation of a new chapter to the Forks Municipal Code, Chapter 10.35, that would permit and authorize wheeled All-Terain Vehicles on all City streets having a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less as permitted by State Law. A copy of the proposed ordinance can be found on the City’s website