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Author: tim


Project proposes the replacing of the existing field at Forks High School with a new synthetic turf field and resurfaced track. Project will involve the removal of the existing natural turf field and surrounding rubberized track surfacing. This will be replaced with a synthetic turf surface, improved on-site drainage, and a new rubberized track. The drainage system will include the installation of an underdrain system and
infiltration gallery used to collect and infiltrate rainwater. Regrading of lawn areas next to the grandstands will also be required.

As part of the project, 4,000 CY of turf and dirt will be removed from Spartan Field and will be transported across and via East E Street to an undeveloped South 2nd A venue. The removed spoils will be placed upon an undeveloped parcel owned by the West End Youth League that has been planned to be developed into a youth football field. Spoil relocation site is adjacent to a ditched stream flowing along the private Rankin Road.

The project is in part funded by a Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office Youth Athletic Field Grant received by the City and the District.

Click here to read the full notice.


Notice is hereby given that a majority of the City Council may be in attendance at the Community Meeting on Emergency Preparedness scheduled for Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Rainforest Arts Center, 35 N Forks Avenue. As such, this event will constitute a Special Meeting of the City Council. No action will be taken and the purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the Cascadia Subduction Earthquake Zone and the dual response plan by Washington State National Guard in conjunction with Clallam County Emergency Management.


The City of Forks is hereby giving notice and soliciting final public comment on the request of Bill and Susan Brager, d.b.a. Miller Tree Inn, to rezone portions of three parcels consisting of two and a half (2.5) acres located immediately east of Forks City Hall. The Forks Planning Commission has made a recommendation to the City Council that these parcels be rezoned from its current Moderate Density Residential (R3) zoning to an overlap zone of Moderate Density Commercial/High Density Residential (OL-4) designation. The request was received as part of the City’s annual solicitation for zoning and comprehensive plan amendments.

The City Council will take public comment on the recommendation of the Planning Commission to rezone these parcels at its meeting scheduled for 11 April 2016, at 7:30 p.m. at Forks City Hall. You are receiving a copy of this notice because you live within 500’ of the parcels in question.

Click here to read the full notice.


The Mayor is requesting letters of interest from individuals willing to serve on the City Council to fill a two-year term of the office held by former Council Member Kevin Hinchen. Individuals interested in serving must reside within the Forks city limits and be a registered voter. Selection will be by the City Council at their meeting on January 11, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. The selected individual will serve until December 31, 2017. The selected individual will be required to file necessary paperwork with the State’s Public Disclosure Commission.

Individuals interested in serving should send a letter of interest and any other materials they deem pertinent for Council to review to City Clerk/Treasurer Audrey Grafstrom at 500 East Division Street, Forks, Washington 98331. Letters can also be e-mailed to or faxed to 360 374-9430.

All letters must be received by the City no later than 5:00 p.m. on January 7, 2016.


Pursuant to Forks Municipal Code 2.10.030, the City is providing local media with notice of holiday office hours and closures.

Forks City Hall will close at noon on Thursday, December 24, 2015 and remain closed all day on Friday, December 25, 2015.  City Hall will also close at noon on Thursday, December 31, 2015 and be closed all day on Friday, January 1, 2016.

City Hall will also be closed from noon until 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 22, 2015.


Effective immediately, the City of Forks Water Superintendent has determined that there is no longer a need to maintain the emergency water use restrictions put in place in September 2015.  Community members may undertake the following activities that were previously restricted or limited:

  • Commercial and residential lawn watering;
  • Commercial and residential vehicle washing, with the exception of the following:
  • Filling of swimming pools and hot tubs; nor,
  • Washing by pressure washer or hose the exterior of structures or pavement.

The City is grateful for the conservation efforts undertaken by the citizens of Forks during these past two and a half months.

Paul Hampton
Public Works Director

Ivan Cowles
Water Superintendent


Order Declaring Unusual Fire Danger and Imposing Burn Ban in the City of Forks

Pursuant to Forks Municipal Code Chapter 2.35, as the City’s Fire Inspector, and in order to avoid any uncertainty, I hereby declare that there is an unusual fire danger in the City of Forks.  Further, pursuant to the authority within that Chapter, I hereby absolutely prohibit the use of fire within the City of Forks to include such things as recreational outdoor fires regardless of their location or manner of containment.  I also hereby prohibit the use of the things as “Japanese Lanterns” (floating lanterns), open fire pits, and the use of fire torches for treatment of yards, driveways, etc.  This ban on the use of fire shall remain in effect until such time as the Clallam County Fire Marshall Annette Wood, or her designee, removes the concurrent Clallam County Fire Ban.

Signed this 25th of June 2015

Bill Paul
Fire Chief
Clallam County Fire District No. 1
(including the City of Forks)


The City Council is giving notice that it will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, 26 May 2015 at 7:30pm (date changed due to Memorial Day). The purpose of the hearing is to obtain public comment on the creation of a new chapter to the Forks Municipal Code, Chapter 10.35, that would permit and authorize wheeled All-Terain Vehicles on all City streets having a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less as permitted by State Law. A copy of the proposed ordinance can be found on the City’s website