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Project proposes the replacing of the existing field at Forks High School with a new synthetic turf field and resurfaced track. Project will involve the removal of the existing natural turf field and surrounding rubberized track surfacing. This will be replaced with a synthetic turf surface, improved on-site drainage, and a new rubberized track. The drainage system will include the installation of an underdrain system and
infiltration gallery used to collect and infiltrate rainwater. Regrading of lawn areas next to the grandstands will also be required.

As part of the project, 4,000 CY of turf and dirt will be removed from Spartan Field and will be transported across and via East E Street to an undeveloped South 2nd A venue. The removed spoils will be placed upon an undeveloped parcel owned by the West End Youth League that has been planned to be developed into a youth football field. Spoil relocation site is adjacent to a ditched stream flowing along the private Rankin Road.

The project is in part funded by a Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office Youth Athletic Field Grant received by the City and the District.

Click here to read the full notice.