DSDJ, LLC Large Lot Short Plat
Notice is hereby provided that on 10 Sep 2021, the City Planner did approve the large lot (lots greater than five acres) division of the property owned by DSDJ, LLC a partnership of Lynn Soloman, Dave Dilley, Mike Dilley, and Rick Jacoby. The applicants voluntarily submitted this project to the City for review with regard to access, critical areas, and utilities. Further, when originally submitted, additional information was request of the applicant which was provided in late July regarding a binding landowner agreement to address violations of the DNR issued Forest Practices Permit and the current Critical areas Code in relationship to the then in place Clallam County Shoreline Management Plan. Finally, the applicant provided the required SEPA checklist in early September. Final approval shall be granted upon expiration of the time noted below for the appeals of this decision.